Keratoconus-related questions
When we see an object, the rays are reflected from the object and enter our eye. The focusing system of our eye focuses these rays on the retina. The focusing is performed by two lenses present in our eyes. One is called the lens while the other is called the cornea. The cornea is present on outer surface but as it is completely transparent so normally it is not normally visible. The black or brown color of someone’s eyes is colour of the iris which is behind the cornea. However, when the cornea is damaged due to some reason, itdoes not remain transparent, due to which we can see it then. In such situation as the rays cannot pass through it and reach the retina, so the vision is decreased. One effect of corneal damage is the cornea loses its regularity. The corneal surface becomes uneven, and the other becomes triangular in shape, as seen in the right side of the image. due to thses abnormalities, the ability to focus rays on the retina is reduced or diminished. This condition of the cornea is called Keratoconus. If keratoconus is detected and treated early, the patient’s own cornea can be repaired. But if there is a delay, then corneal transplantation becomes mandatory. This is called keratoplasty. In the following posts various aspects of keratoconus have been discussed.

- How CXR operation for keratoconus is performed?What is done in a cross-linking operation? Is this operation really effective? The cornea is made of a network of collagen fibers. In this disease interlinking connections between the collagen fibers become week due to which the corneal thickness decreases and the cornea is weakened. In this treatment, the collagen fibers are activated and their… Read more: How CXR operation for keratoconus is performed?
- What is corneal cross-linking??Is keratoconus curable This depends upon the stage of disease at the time of initiating the treatment. Spectacles, hard contact lenses, and intacs all can be helpful at early stages of the disease. When the cornea becomes too thin or non-transparent, then only corneal transplantation is beneficial. However, the latest method for treating it is… Read more: What is corneal cross-linking?
- What are treatment methods for keratoconus??What are other methods to treat the patients with keratoconus This depends on the stage of the disease at the time of initiation of treatment. The patients are periodically carefully monitored and different treatments are given and advanced according to the progress of the disease. Following methods are used. Glasses Initially, the glasses are advised.… Read more: What are treatment methods for keratoconus?
- What is keratoconus?The cornea of some has a weakness. A part of cornea starts thinning and then it starts bulging at a site slightly lower to the center of the cornea. As a result the central part of the cornea appears as a cone. From here the name keratoconus has been derived. The thinning of the cornea… Read more: What is keratoconus?